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Wanxin Zhang was born and educated in China. He graduated from the prestigious LuXun Academy of Fine Art in Sculpture in 1985. In 1992, after Zhang established his art career as a sculptor in China, he relocated to San Francisco with his family and received his Master in Fine Arts from the Academy of Art University. Zhang had been on the faculty of the Academy of Art University, Department of Art Practice at University of California, Berkeley and California College of The Art in Oakland. Zhang is currently an adjunct faculty at San Francisco Art Institute.
Zhang's sculptures represent a marriage between historical references and a contemporary cultural context; they carry messages of social and political commentary. His work is deeply influenced by the Bay Area figurative movement and artists such at Peter Voulkos and Stephen De Staebler. As a studio sculptor and educator, Zhang was the first place recipient of the Virginia A. Groot Foundation Grant in 2006 and the Joan Mitchell Grant in 2004. His sculptures have been shown in San Francisco, Santa Fe, Miami, Seattle, Palm Desert and New York City. In 2007, his pieces were part of the 22nd UBE Sculpture Biennial in Japan; in 2008, his sculpture was selected by the Taipei Ceramics Biennial in Taiwan; and in 2013, he was part of the Da Tong's 2nd International Sculpture Biennial in China. Zhang had his first solo art museum show at the University of Wyoming Art Museum in 2006, with solo museum exhibitions following at the Arizona State University Art Museum, Boise Art Museum in Idaho, Fresno Art Museum in California, The Alden B. Dow Museum of Science & Art in Michigan, Bellevue Arts Museum in Washington, and Holter Museum of Art in Montana. His works have been selected to be included in Confrontational Ceramics by Judith Schwartz, and can be found in major art magazines such as "Art News," "Art in America," "Sculpture," and "American Ceramics." Zhang has many public collections, and his private collectors are located both nationally and internationally. In 2012, the San Francisco Chronicle picked Zhang's exhibition at the Richmond Art Center to be one of the Top 10 Exhibitions in the San Francisco Bay Area.
張萬新1961年出生於中国長春市, 1985年毕业于沈阳鲁迅美术学院雕塑系,1992年赴美留学,1996年获美国旧金山艺术大学(Academy Of Art University)硕士学位并曾先后任教于该校雕塑学院及加州大学伯克利分校实验美术系(University of California in Berkeley)和加州艺术学院(California College of the Arts)。目前任教於旧金山美朮学院。(San Francisco Art Institute)。
张萬新来美之前从事金属雕塑创作并参与北方85青年艺术运动,其探索艺术新形式的代表作品“双羊”获1989年在北京举办的中国第七届全国美展雕塑铜奖并被中国美术馆永久收藏。到美囯后张萬新重创艺术语言再受到行内注目, 1997年他在旧金山建立了自己的艺术工作室. 2010年由美国五家美术博物馆及一所艺术中心联合举办的”张萬新十年回顾展” 历经近三年全美巡回展被主流学术媒体喻为美国陶艺运动新世纪的重要领军人物之一。张萬新在给予传统材料崭新生命的同时融入了当代兿術力度及东方美学的内涵和神韵,在雕塑与陶土语言的探索中建立了自己独特的表现主义风格。近年来他曾先后在全美近二十所大学及艺术机构举办学术讲座,艺术作品多次在美获奖:其中包括2000年加州圣地亚哥美术博物馆年度优胜奖, (San Diego Museum of Art) 2004年获纽约州琼、米歇尔基金会雕塑家奖,(The Joan Mitchell Foundation) 及2006年获芝加哥佛吉妮亚、古特基金会雕塑一等奖.(Virginia A, Groot Foundation) 和美国国家美術基金和安迪沃胡艺术家基金会艺术家驻村基金獎。(NEA/Warhol Foundation, Artist-in-Residence Award)2007年参加日本第22届UBC 雕塑双年展, 2008在台北举办的台湾陶艺双年展以及2013 中国大同国际雕塑双年展。2012年他在加州瑞兹曼艺术中心 (The Richmond Art Center) 举办的个展, 被旧金山权威纪事报(San Francisco Chronicle) 选为本年度旧金山十大优秀美术展览之—。张萬新作品广泛被私人藏家收藏,公共收藏包刮旧金山艺术大学,旧金山亚州美术馆,香港梁淑华艺术基金会,亚利桑那州立大学美术馆,新墨西哥州阿伯库奇市,加州佛郎西诺美术馆,新墨西哥州艺术委员会,加州佛郎西诺美术馆,蒙大拿州希尔迪美术馆,怀俄明大学美术馆,佛罗里达州迈阿密大学美术馆,伊立诺州佛吉尼亚,古特基金会,亚利桑那州皮瑞德斯人体艺术美术馆,日本山口县美术馆,北京中国美术馆等。
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